Version 0.3.2
LÖVE Documentation
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newImage( filename )Loads an image.
newAnimation( image )Creates an Animation.
newAnimation( image, fw, fh, delay, frames )Creates an Animation.
newColor( red, green, blue, alpha )Creates a color.
newColor( red, green, blue )Creates a color.
newFont( filename, size )Creates a new font by loading the font file.
newImageFont( filename, glyphs )Creates a new font by loading a specifically formatted image.
newImageFont( filename, glyphs, spacing )Creates a new font by loading a specifically formatted image and sets the spacing factor.
newParticleSystem( image, buffer )Creates a particle emitter.
checkMode( width, height, fullscreen )Checks if a display mode is supported.
setMode( width, height, fullscreen, vsync, fsaa )Changes the display mode.
toggleFullscreen( )Toggles fullscreen.
isCreated( )Checks if the display has been set.
getModes( )Gets a list of supported fullscreen modes.
setColor( color )Sets the current color.
setColor( red, green, blue )Sets the current color.
setColor( red, green, blue, alpha )Sets the current color.
setBackgroundColor( color )Sets the background color.
setBackgroundColor( red, green, blue )Sets the background color.
setFont( font )Sets the current font.
setLineWidth( width )Sets the line width.
setLineStyle( style )Sets line anti-aliasing.
setLine( width )Sets the width of the line used when drawing outlined primitives.
setLine( width, type )Sets the width and type of line used when drawing outlined primitives.
getLineWidth( )Gets the current line width.
getLineStyle( )Gets the current line style.
setBlendMode( mode )Sets the blending mode.
setColorMode( mode )Sets the color mode.
setCaption( caption )Sets the window caption.
getColor( )Gets the current color.
getBackgroundColor( )Gets the current background color.
getBlendMode( )Gets the current blend mode.
getColorMode( )Gets the current color mode.
getFont( )Gets the current font.
getWidth( )Gets the width of the window.
getHeight( )Gets the height of the window.
draw( string, x, y )Draws text on screen.
draw( string, x, y, angle )Draws rotated text on screen.
draw( string, x, y, angle, s )Draws rotated/scaled text on screen.
draw( string, x, y, angle, sx, sy )Draws rotated/scaled text on screen.
drawf( string, x, y, limit )Draws formatted text on screen, with word wrap.
drawf( string, x, y, limit, align )Draws formatted text on screen, with word wrap and alignment.
draw( sprite, x, y )Draws an Image or Animation on screen.
draw( sprite, x, y, angle )Draws a rotated Image or Animation on screen.
draw( sprite, x, y, angle, s )Draws a rotated/scaled Image or Animation on screen.
draw( sprite, x, y, angle, sx, sy )Draws a rotated/scaled Image or Animation on screen.
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h )Draws a subsprite of an Image.
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle )Draws a rotated subsprite of an Image.
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, s )Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image.
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy )Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image.
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy )Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image, rotating around a different center.
draw( particlesystem, x, y )Draws a particle system on screen.
point( x, y )Draws a point at (x,y).
line( x1, y1, x2, y2 )Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).
triangle( type, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 )Draws a triangle usign the passed coordinates.
rectangle( x, y, w, h )Draws a rectangle.
quad( type, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 )Draws a quadrilateral usign the passed coordinates.
circle( type, x, y, radius )Draws a circle usign the passed information.
circle( type, x, y, radius, points )Draws a circle usign the passed information.