newImage( filename ) | Loads an image. |
newAnimation( image ) | Creates an Animation. |
newAnimation( image, fw, fh, delay, frames ) | Creates an Animation. |
newColor( red, green, blue, alpha ) | Creates a color. |
newColor( red, green, blue ) | Creates a color. |
newFont( filename, size ) | Creates a new font by loading the font file. |
newImageFont( filename, glyphs ) | Creates a new font by loading a specifically formatted image. |
newImageFont( filename, glyphs, spacing ) | Creates a new font by loading a specifically formatted image and sets the spacing factor. |
newParticleSystem( image, buffer ) | Creates a particle emitter. |
checkMode( width, height, fullscreen ) | Checks if a display mode is supported. |
setMode( width, height, fullscreen, vsync, fsaa ) | Changes the display mode. |
toggleFullscreen( ) | Toggles fullscreen. |
isCreated( ) | Checks if the display has been set. |
getModes( ) | Gets a list of supported fullscreen modes. |
setColor( color ) | Sets the current color. |
setColor( red, green, blue ) | Sets the current color. |
setColor( red, green, blue, alpha ) | Sets the current color. |
setBackgroundColor( color ) | Sets the background color. |
setBackgroundColor( red, green, blue ) | Sets the background color. |
setFont( font ) | Sets the current font. |
setLineWidth( width ) | Sets the line width. |
setLineStyle( style ) | Sets line anti-aliasing. |
setLine( width ) | Sets the width of the line used when drawing outlined primitives. |
setLine( width, type ) | Sets the width and type of line used when drawing outlined primitives. |
getLineWidth( ) | Gets the current line width. |
getLineStyle( ) | Gets the current line style. |
setBlendMode( mode ) | Sets the blending mode. |
setColorMode( mode ) | Sets the color mode. |
setCaption( caption ) | Sets the window caption. |
getColor( ) | Gets the current color. |
getBackgroundColor( ) | Gets the current background color. |
getBlendMode( ) | Gets the current blend mode. |
getColorMode( ) | Gets the current color mode. |
getFont( ) | Gets the current font. |
getWidth( ) | Gets the width of the window. |
getHeight( ) | Gets the height of the window. |
draw( string, x, y ) | Draws text on screen. |
draw( string, x, y, angle ) | Draws rotated text on screen. |
draw( string, x, y, angle, s ) | Draws rotated/scaled text on screen. |
draw( string, x, y, angle, sx, sy ) | Draws rotated/scaled text on screen. |
drawf( string, x, y, limit ) | Draws formatted text on screen, with word wrap. |
drawf( string, x, y, limit, align ) | Draws formatted text on screen, with word wrap and alignment. |
draw( sprite, x, y ) | Draws an Image or Animation on screen. |
draw( sprite, x, y, angle ) | Draws a rotated Image or Animation on screen. |
draw( sprite, x, y, angle, s ) | Draws a rotated/scaled Image or Animation on screen. |
draw( sprite, x, y, angle, sx, sy ) | Draws a rotated/scaled Image or Animation on screen. |
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h ) | Draws a subsprite of an Image. |
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle ) | Draws a rotated subsprite of an Image. |
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, s ) | Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image. |
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy ) | Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image. |
draws( image, x, y, cx, cy, w, h, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy ) | Draws a rotated/scaled subsprite of an Image, rotating around a different center. |
draw( particlesystem, x, y ) | Draws a particle system on screen. |
point( x, y ) | Draws a point at (x,y). |
line( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) | Draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). |
triangle( type, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ) | Draws a triangle usign the passed coordinates. |
rectangle( x, y, w, h ) | Draws a rectangle. |
quad( type, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 ) | Draws a quadrilateral usign the passed coordinates. |
circle( type, x, y, radius ) | Draws a circle usign the passed information. |
circle( type, x, y, radius, points ) | Draws a circle usign the passed information. |